
Xian :: To Be Moved

Auspicious :: Favorable for taking a partner

Auspicious :: Favorable for taking a partner

6 ::
You feel inspired, but not yet moved. An initial inspiration (toes) leads to a first action. This is like an infant's sexual arousal. There is no focus and no significant results yet.
9 ::
You enjoy inspiration without the need to push forward. There is an inspiration rising (in the legs) but it is not yet matured. It is best to wait and not go into action.
6 ::
You should resist the urge to move, though you are anxious to begin. Going forward is blocked, but you continue to cultivate a growing momentum. Recycle your energy and keep still.
9 ::
You are drawn forward with reluctance. Progressive movement is made due to the invitation and support of your associates and/or a mentor. The qi is in the lower abdomen.1 Reluctance has made the inspiration grow strong. Action is now possible.
9 ::
Confidence is available. You move from inspiration to action. Qi in the channels is regulated and radiating evenly from the spine. The circle of inspiration is complete. Movement may include a bonding or marriage.2 There is a union of action and intent.
6 ::
You attempt to capture deeply felt emotions with words. You experience awkwardness and embarrassment trying to verbalize the depth of your inspiration, joy, love and gratitude. However, your true feelings are beyond eloquence.


Xian is about how gi rises and stillness dissolves into action. The hexagram delineates how gi moves up through the body and is finally expressed by radi-ance. The gi moves up from the toes, through the legs, into the lower abdomen (dantian) where Heaven [tiangi: breath yang] and Earth [sugi: nutrients/blood vin] meet and express themselves in action.

When the gi reaches the spine a kind of energy circuit is complete in which action (generation) and peace (regeneration) unite.

Xian also refers to the dance of a trance medium who is "emptied" of self in order to allow the complete possession and the influence of the ancestral spirits to manifest and speak.


In all situations where slow-growing, inspired feelings are found, things go well. You may act confidently as inspiration takes shape and develops to fruition.

Good for romance, achieving long-term goals, education, meditation, and gradual progress.

Bad for lawsuits, making your case, and acting alone.


When Xian is divined, we could say, that our feelings and our body are reliable tools of divination. A surge of inspiration is being felt.

The growth of influence and inspiration described by Xian is at first calm with awe, then stirred up by enthusiasm and, finally, confident enough to act. Though the progress is gradual, patient and intuitive-success is inevitable. The fullness of success is in the discovery of the natural reciprocity and support of a partner3 or a group. This qi sensation is deeply moving and difficult or impossible to put into words. Do not expect words to express such deep connection; let inspiration radiate from your actions.

Other Correspondences

Business: Gradual growth, forming partnerships, mergers, and negotiations.

Disharmonies: Nervous disorders, contagious (venereal) diseases, and low-grade infections.

Prognosis: Good. The patient responds well to treatment and gradually recov-ers. Stable health will come from new disciplines of self-care.