Xiao Guo :: Small Succeeds
Offering: auspicious :: Success in small matters; not in large expeditions :: Not up, but down : very auspicious
Xiao Guo is about small or unripe opportunities and/or being in a subordinate position (down). It is the innocent freedom to act without the burden of great responsibility (expeditions). It is not a grand sort of power, but it is certainly not about being powerless.
Success in small matters. The judicious and timely use of small force succeeds. Being an assistant is favorable. Things go well if you avoid pretense.
Xiao Guo is about the windows of opportunity available at the end of a cycle of growth. It is about a time when it is best to work on small matters and not on grand plans. It is important to note the wisdom inherent in the unique power of Xiao Guo. This power, though small, succeeds by precise and accurate application.
Near the end of the Zhouyi, Xiao Guo offers advice on how to prolong influence through small and intelligent actions. The gi of "small success" is not only in prolonging influence near the end but also in preparing for the inevitable loss of power (retirement).