
Jia Ren :: Household

Auspicious for women

6 :: first
Safe household. Troubles disappear.
It is time to acknowledge boundaries. A group or family initiates success by establishing, securing and honoring boundaries.
9 :: second
No ambition outside the household. Meals are set out. Auspicious.
Set your house in order. The power of yin is the strength of your inner resources. In any group or household it is the sacrifices that are taken for granted that make it strong. The mother,1 maker of meals, is the foundation of the household.
6 :: third
A household complains. Women and children are mocking. Regret in the end.
Lacking a balance of discipline and respect, your household or group collapses. Both excessive discipline and disrespect are signs of weakness in a group or family.
9 :: fourth
Prosperous household. Auspicious.
Conserve your inner resources. A group or household must have a budget and an in-house budget manager. It is from internal financial management and thrift that a family prospers and grows.
9 :: fifth
A royal visit to the household. No worries. Auspicious.
Acknowledge your predecessors. Even when the king2 visits a well-ordered household there is no need for concern. A successful inspection has very favorable results.
6 :: top
There is dignity and confidence in the household. In the end good fortune.
Your fortune is your family/group. There is no greater strength (dignity and confidence) than that derived from an orderly family. Every member of an orderly family receives a strong basis for personal success.


fia Ren is about well-ordered, supportive families and family-like groups that have a collective purpose. Selfless caregivers (mothers/nourishment) make households and family-like groups strong. Selfless and consistent inner strength is the basis of true communities. Orderly family/communities nurture great leaders who, in turn, make the alliances that create fair and just nation-states.


Jia Ren is favorable for anything related to family and for women in leadership. It is about the power found working in the background and in being generously supportive. Group effort and/or blood ties bring great success.

Good for marriage, childbirth, romance, and all family matters.
Bad for personal gains, innovation, and distant travel.

Confucianists certainly saw and loved the wisdom in this image. Jia Ren-the well-ordered family, defined by specific roles, agreements, and obligations was, for Confucianists, the basis of a well-ordered nation. Well-ordered nations make up the well-ordered world. The Da of rulership begins with the Dao of family.3

The Zhouyi consistently praises group efforts because they express the interconnectedness of us all and provide a greater scale of success than any individual effort. In a truly successful family or group no one has absolute power over others. Power is experienced and shared by everyone simply by each person being in his or her appropriate place. Confucius made sacrosanct the idea that appropriate placement, duty, and obligation of each person bring happiness and prosperity to society at large.

Other Correspondences
Business: Family business, merger, inheritance, and team work.
Disharmonies: Menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, illness during pregnancy, and infertility.
Prognosis: Good. The patient recovers well at home due to family support and/ or a household remedy.