Kun :: Earth
Supreme offering: favorable for the mare : first confused, later corrected by submission : favorable for the superior person going somewhere :: Resources1 arrive from southwest: losses taken in the northeast concerning peace: auspicious
Kun is the power of Earth/Space. It is the Primordial Yin that returns each autumn (harvest/nourishment) and flourishes in the dark of winter (still-ness). It is a solitary mare roaming in the wilderness (freedom) and then bridled and ornamented to be given as a sacrificial offering (submission). It is also the natural confluence of six rivers. It is associated with the way Nature supports, defines and nourishes all things without ostentatious gesture. It is the constancy of our primordial mother.
Let things naturally fulfill themselves. Let go of planning and meddling. Wait.
Restraint is rewarded. It is favorable for peace and inaction.
The Primordial Yin, with all its gentleness, is the true nature of events and things as they spontaneously unfold in Space. It is the inner nature of things expressing compliance with the environment that sustains it. It is not the product of human effort. The aimless wandering of the mare represents the openness and sensitivity that is accepting and responsive to fate and circumstance. The key to the power of Kun is found in the cultivation of supple compliance and should not be confused with passive docility, suppression or laziness. Kun is the inherent responsiveness and resolution of all of beings and things in Nature.